Our Services
Water and Sanitation
The health programme intends to influence a greater understanding of child care needs and requirements,
and improve individual and family health and hygiene practices, while also intending to promote psycho-social wellbeing
among the target groups. In the awareness programmes, topics such as child protection, child abuse and child rights were
taught. The Regional Director of Health Services (DHS) and Medical Officer of Health are some of the key government officials
who facilitated these training programs with the support of OfERR (Ceylon) field staff. OfERR (Ceylon) staff, who were
experienced in child-friendly programmes, have also played a major role as facilitators in conducting the child care,
health and hygienic sessions. In these sessions, the children were sensitized on child rights, personal hygiene and hand
washing techniques. They were taught about six steps of hand-washing and encouraged to practice it at home in order to lead
a healthy and hygienic life. During the course of the trainings, awareness materials carrying the visuals of good health and
hygienic practices have been demonstrated in order to provide practical examples of good hygiene.
Water sources have been found as one of the major needs along with the shelter needs to enable returnees to start their lives.
Those who had wells at the time of their displacement need support to clean up their well.
Some people, who are unable to locate their wells in return as these wells were filled with earth by army or natural erosion
should be provided support to construct wells or water sources along with those, who don’t have access to wells or other water
sources. Considering the emergency, the refugee returnees should be assisted with common well or individual tube wells.
In order to promote hygienic standards in the schools, there were training and awareness sessions conducted. In these
training, XXXXXX children including XXXXXX boys and XXXXXX girls have participated and benefited with the information
on hygienic aspects and participants gained basic awareness and knowledge about managing the menstrual hygiene in a positive way.