Our Services
Return &
Since the end of the armed conflict in 2009, the number of Sri Lankan refugee returnees from India
has been considerably increased. OfERR Ceylon has been working and helping the returnees in re-establish their lives
in their homeland after return. They majorly support in getting civil and legal documentation for citizenship, education,
livelihood, shelter, women empowerment, capacity building, job opportunities and many other essential areas. Since 2009,
a total of 31,039 Sri Lankan refugees have been returned from India so far. The return of refugees also entails a variety
of challenges including reception, assistance, housing, livelihood, psycho-social care, and integration into the health and
education system. Successful reintegration is based on economic, political and social factors. Economically OfERR Ceylon is
helping returnees to re-establish their lives by providing livelihood assistance and strengthening reintegration support through
establishing linkages and counseling. Welcome groups are formed in order to provide linkage services, networking aid and guide
to receive reintegration support for civil and essential documentation. In addition, SHGs were formed especially for women
returnees to support for their self employment and to increase their household economy.