OfERR organizes capacity building training and awareness programs to develop the capacities of the IDPs and refugee returnees.
By building refugee capacities and promoting their vocational and income generation activities, OfERR (Ceylon) aims to create a sustainable
community with enriched knowledge, skill and attitude. Some of the capacity building programs held among the target groups including refugee
returnees and IDP returnees are:
- Training on Protection
- Training on Sexual and Gender Based Violence Protection
- Training on Child Protection
- Training on Child Care, Health & Hygiene
OfERR Ceylon is conducting the training activities among the communities as it is believed that education is a key for community development.
OfERR (Ceylon) also facilitates capacity building sessions concerning civil documentation, disaster risk management, gender-based violence and
child abuse, child protection measures, civil rights and access to legal services, good governance and functions of local governments.
These activities are planned and implemented in cooperation with community-based organizations (CBOs), self-help groups and other local actors.
OfERR Ceylon also provides training sessions which are aimed at providing and upgrading livelihood skills such as business & marketing, mechanical
maintenance, home gardening, herbal plant cultivation, chili powder production and small business development.